All About FAFSA: When am I supposed to start?

For many aspiring college students, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) serves as a crucial stepping stone toward achieving higher education dreams. The FAFSA is the gateway to various federal and state financial aid programs, scholarships, grants, and work-study opportunities that can make pursuing a college degree more affordable. However, the question that often plagues students and their families is: When am I supposed to start the FAFSA application process? In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down the key aspects of the FAFSA timeline and offer valuable insights into when and how to start the application process.

Understanding the FAFSA Timeline

The FAFSA application cycle typically opens on October 1st each year for the upcoming academic year. This means that if you're planning to attend college in the fall of a given year, you can submit your FAFSA starting October 1st of the previous year. The FAFSA becomes available for submission well in advance to ensure that students have sufficient time to gather necessary documents and complete the application accurately.

Key Dates to Remember

To navigate the FAFSA timeline effectively, it's essential to mark down these critical dates:

  • October 1st: FAFSA application becomes available.

  • February 1st: Priority consideration deadline for financial aid.

  • January - March: Most institutional deadlines are between this time period.

  • February - April: You’ll most likely get your financial aid award letters in this time period from the colleges that you got into.

Other Deadlines

  • State Deadlines: Many states have their own FAFSA deadlines that may differ from the federal deadline. It's crucial to research and note down your state's specific deadline.

  • Federal Deadline: The federal deadline for submitting the FAFSA is typically June 30th. However, some federal aid programs, such as the Federal Pell Grant, have a priority deadline, making it advisable to submit your FAFSA earlier to maximize your aid eligibility.

  • College Deadlines: Many colleges and universities have their own FAFSA deadlines, which may differ from both federal and state deadlines. Research the deadlines of the institutions you're applying to and ensure you meet them.

Benefits of Starting Early

Commencing the FAFSA process early offers several advantages:

  • Access to More Aid: Some financial aid programs have limited funding and are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. By submitting your FAFSA early, you increase your chances of securing these funds.

  • Accurate Information: Starting early allows you to carefully review and provide accurate information on your application. You can double-check details, seek assistance if needed, and prevent errors that might delay your aid.

  • Reduced Stress: The college application process can be stressful, and starting your FAFSA early can alleviate some of that pressure. You'll have more time to complete the application thoroughly and avoid last-minute rushes.

  • Time for Special Circumstances: If you or your family experience significant changes in financial circumstances, starting the FAFSA process early provides ample time to address these changes with the financial aid office of your chosen institution.

Starting the FAFSA process early is a wise move that can significantly impact your college funding prospects. By understanding the FAFSA timeline, staying informed about deadlines, and taking proactive steps to complete the application, you're setting yourself up for success in securing the financial support needed to pursue your higher education dreams. Remember, the journey toward a college degree begins with a single application – the FAFSA. Don't delay, start early, and pave the way for a brighter academic future.

Schedule a consultation with us today and see how we can help you kickstart your financial aid journey!

We’re not affiliated with the Department of Education or FAFSA.


Andrew Oh
Financial Aid Specialist at Navi Consulting

Hansuk “Hans” Kim, CLTC, LACP
Principal / Financial Services Professional
2023 Forbes’ 31st Ranked Financial Security Professional Best-In-State in NJ

(201) 388-5590


All About FAFSA: What Documents Do I Need?