Course Introduction

NAVI debate program offers guided coaching in public speaking, research, argument, teamwork, and leadership. Students develop their own voice through oral and written communication, competing in local/state/national tournaments. They learn public speaking, persuasive and research writing, proactive teamwork, and respectful communication skills. NAVI PLUS extends leadership training, motivating team members to share their voices and help the community. These lifelong skills serve them well in any future endeavor.


Summer | Basic & Reinforcing Session - Public Speaking, Make My Own Packet, Research Writing, Successful Argument, Teamwork

Fall/Winter/Spring | Tournament Season - Prepare for local/state/national tournaments

Healthy Work Ethics

NAVI debate future leaders will build these proactive skills:

Develop excellent oral and written communication skills.

Develop excellent critical thinking skills.

Develop practical tools for research, organization, and presentation

Develop strategies to overcome fears of public speaking

Prepare arguments in verbal and written format

Deliver their messages in more presentable ways

Think in more proactive ways

Respect others and differing opinions

Communicate, and perform well with team members

Share their voices to serve their community

Narrate their own life story with confidence

A Successful Extracurricular Activity Roadmap

Want to have a more impressive extracurricular activity?

Identify yourself as a great candidate for future group

Make your voice heard and impress others

Build teamwork and confidence

Show leadership skills

Have community service experience

Prepare a more successful college application