College Roadmap: Navigating the Recommendation Letter Process on Common App: Top Tips for Success

As you embark on your college application journey, you'll quickly discover that recommendation letters play a pivotal role in showcasing your abilities, character, and potential to admissions committees. The Common Application (Common App) simplifies the process of requesting and managing recommendation letters, but it still requires careful planning and organization. In this guide, we'll provide you with valuable tips for navigating the recommendation letter process on Common App effectively.


1. Start Early: Begin Well Before Deadlines

Recommendation letters require time and effort from both you and your recommenders. Start the process well in advance of application deadlines to ensure you have ample time for communication, document submission, and follow-up. Early preparation demonstrates your commitment and respect for your recommenders' time.


2. Choose Recommenders Thoughtfully

Selecting the right recommenders is crucial. Consider teachers, mentors, or supervisors who know you well and can speak to your academic abilities, character, and accomplishments. Avoid choosing recommenders based solely on their title or prestige; it's the content of the letter that matters most.


3. Communicate Clearly

Once you've identified potential recommenders, approach them respectfully and explain your college application plans. Clearly articulate why you're requesting a recommendation from them and how their insights can contribute to your application. Provide them with a list of colleges you're applying to, deadlines, and any specific information you'd like them to include.


4. Provide a Resume or Brag Sheet

Make your recommenders' job easier by supplying them with a resume or brag sheet that outlines your achievements, extracurricular activities, and goals. This document can serve as a reference point and help them craft a more personalized and compelling recommendation letter.


5. Follow Common App Guidelines

Common App offers clear guidelines on how to request and manage recommendation letters. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines, as they provide step-by-step instructions for sending invitations to your recommenders through the platform.


6. Respect Deadlines

Adhere to all recommendation letter deadlines set by your chosen colleges. Remember that your recommenders are investing their time and effort on your behalf. Submit your requests well in advance of the application deadlines to allow your recommenders sufficient time to complete their letters.


7. Send Reminders, but Be Courteous

Gently remind your recommenders as the deadlines approach but do so with respect and gratitude. Sending reminders via the Common App platform is convenient and ensures that they receive prompt notifications.


8. Express Gratitude

Once your recommenders have submitted their letters, express your gratitude by sending a heartfelt thank-you note or email. Let them know how much you appreciate their support and time. Building positive relationships with your recommenders can be beneficial in the long run.


9. Follow Up

After submitting your applications, consider following up with your recommenders to inform them of your admissions outcomes and express your appreciation for their contributions. This courtesy is a small gesture that can strengthen your connections.


10. Stay Organized

Maintain a well-organized system for tracking your recommendation requests, deadlines, and submission confirmations. This will help you stay on top of the process and ensure that all necessary documents are sent to colleges in a timely manner.


The recommendation letter process on Common App is a significant aspect of your college application journey. By starting early, communicating effectively, and showing gratitude to your recommenders, you can navigate this process with confidence and professionalism. Remember that recommendation letters provide a unique opportunity for others to advocate on your behalf, so approach the process thoughtfully and with respect for those who are supporting your academic aspirations.


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