College Roadmap: What Does It Mean to Personalize Your Common App Essay?

The Common Application, or Common App, is a portal to your college dreams, offering a streamlined way to apply to multiple colleges and universities.

A central component of your Common App is the personal essay, a powerful opportunity to introduce yourself beyond the numbers and transcripts. To stand out in the competitive college admissions process, you must personalize your Common App essay effectively.

1. Understand the Purpose

Before diving into the writing process, it's crucial to understand the purpose of the Common App essay. It's your chance to showcase your personality, values, experiences, and aspirations in a way that transcends your academic record. Admissions officers want to get to know you as an individual, so use this opportunity to tell your unique story. Also understand what kind of things colleges would want to know about you. They’re looking for students who will make contributions to their communities, be a valuable addition to the graduating class, and be the leader of their programs.


2. Choose a Thoughtful Topic

The Common App provides a list of essay prompts, and it's up to you to select the one that resonates most with your personal experiences and values. Consider the prompt carefully and choose a topic that allows you to share something meaningful about yourself. Your topic should reveal insights that go beyond your resume and academic achievements. It’s recommended to choose from more recent experiences you had because they’re more relevant or have more influence on shaping who you are today. However, if you believe there are experiences from your childhood that had a big influence on you, you may want to incorporate it into your essay.


3. Be Authentic

One of the most crucial elements of a personalized Common App essay is authenticity. Be yourself. Admissions officers can spot insincerity from a mile away. Don't write what you think they want to hear; write about what genuinely matters to you. Share your true passions, interests, and experiences.


4. Show, Don't Tell

An effective way to personalize your essay is by using vivid anecdotes and examples to illustrate your points. Instead of telling the reader that you're compassionate, share a story that demonstrates your empathy. Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of your experiences and emotions. If you’re having trouble with this technical aspect or want to improve your writing further, read up on writing techniques such as imagery and metaphor. Here’s a list of poems and novels from Goodreads that contain some good examples.


5. Focus on Your Journey

Essays that reveal one’s growth, self-discovery, or transformation will be way more interesting than those that don’t. Discuss how your experiences have shaped you and led you to this point in your academic journey. Colleges are interested in students who are not only accomplished but also reflective and eager to learn and grow. Think about the starting point of this journey you want to discuss and the relevant event or events that occurred on the way.

6. Be Specific

Avoid vague or generic statements. Personalize your essay by including specific details, names, and experiences. Whether you're talking about a family trip, a challenging project, or a favorite book, make it personal and memorable.


7. Seek Feedback

Don't hesitate to seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or trusted peers. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your essay. However, remember that the final essay should still sound like you and convey your voice. Seek feedback from as many and various groups of people as possible because you never know what kind of things someone will see in your essay. Grammatical edits and critiques about sentence structure are not the only types of feedback. Ask people what they thought your writing is trying to say and what they learned about the writer from reading.


8. Revise and Edit

Crafting a personalized Common App essay often requires multiple drafts. After writing your initial essay, take a break and then revisit it with fresh eyes. Look for areas where you can improve clarity, conciseness, and impact. Edit for grammar and style, but ensure your unique voice remains intact. Incorporating the feedback you received, decide objectively which parts of the essay are unnecessary or are not very efficient for their assigned purpose. Be ready to shave off parts of your essay and lighten the reader’s burden of having to figure out your essay like a puzzle.


9. Reflect on Your Values

Ultimately, your essay should align with your values and beliefs. It should convey what matters most to you and how you plan to contribute to the college community. If you have never done so, use this opportunity to share your passion for learning, your goals, and your vision for the future. Ponder about what kind of things get you going in life and the values of things you hold dearly to your heart.


Personalizing your Common App essay is your chance to shine in the admissions process.

By choosing a meaningful topic, being authentic, and sharing specific experiences, you can craft an essay that leaves a lasting impression and helps you stand out as a unique and valuable addition to any college community. Your story is your superpower; use it to your advantage. Because writing good college essays requires knowledge about colleges and college admissions, it’s often quite effective to get your essays reviewed by college admissions professionals.

Our writing coaches and consultants at Navi Consulting also provide great and effective writing assistance with Common App essay writing.

Contact us today to see how we can help you improve your essay.


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